Beck and Bo | Imagination, Motor Skill App
Beck and Bo is a wonderful interactive app that is sure to entice kids to keep coming back! There are numerous colorful and interactive scenes to choose from. Kids can arrange the objects that drop in and decide on the most appropriate place. As the objects are touched they will hear and see the name of each! Check out two of the scenes in the videos below.
The perfect app to enhance their spatial recognition and observation skills and develop their fine motor skills and reflexes, all while having a ball! This app is presented to us by react-in.
Meet Beck & Bo! Create a Snowman Haven!
Create a Fun Playground Scene!
This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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Meet The Developer!
What was the initial inspiration for your app?
Children learn through active exploration and experimentation. They constantly want to try things out, discover associations and solve problems through trial and error. When children develop their first vocabulary they love to name things they recognize and experiment with their properties. At this stage, storytelling and pretend-play can help them familiarize with objects and put them into context. Small children also need to be praised and rewarded for their accomplishments.
We designed Beck and Bo having all these in mind. The main concept behind our game is to provide an interactive, stimulating environment where children identify objects and use both their imagination and reasoning to figure out where they should be placed in order for them to make sense. In Beck and Bo when an object is touched its name is heard. When placed correctly, it animates and makes its distinctive sound. When all objects have been properly placed, the kid gets to win an animated star and an interactive book. There are plenty of objects and animals to play with and put into unique and imaginative stories.
What is your favorite aspect of your app?
We believe that Beck and Bo stands out for its appealing graphics, animations and sounds. We’ve put great consideration into the visual and auditory experience, because we feel that children start building their sensory qualities at a very young age. We also like that each scene is unique, offering a variety of stimuli and real-life experiences. Finally, we like the balance between free-play and puzzle, which encourages creativity through subtle guidance.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
React-IN ( is an interactive design agency founded in 2002. The company specializes in the design and development of interactive multimedia technologies with main focus on collaboration, education, design and visualization. The people behind react-IN come from diverse backgrounds, including architecture, graphic design, computer science and game development. What we all share in common is our passion to create challenging and stimulating digital experiences that stand out through their quality and innovation. When it comes to creating kids’ games we only have one thing in mind: KIDS THEMSELVES!
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Trailer Video:
The app is also available for Android: