Twas The Night Before Christmas – A Blackfish Children’s Bedtime Story
Twas The Night Before Christmas – A Blackfish Children’s Bedtime Story by Customizabooks LLC is a much loved classic for the holidays! This one is so rich in graphics, life, interaction, and overall quality that it is certain to become a favorite for your kids! Available for the iPhone and iPad, this app is made in the Blackfish fashion, you can customize it and record your own voice for your kids. It’s so easy, kids can do it themselves. You will find hidden surprises on every page so tap away! This book app also supports reading readiness for our kids with highlighted words. This is a proven vocabulary booster. The book app counts the hidden objects that you find and tells you if you found them all. If not, give it another go!
Record Your Own Voice!
Can You Name All The Reindeer?
His Eyes How They Twinkled!
See If You Found All The Hidden Objects!
This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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Meet The Developer!
What was the initial inspiration for your app?
At Customizabooks, we work with a number of authors and publishers to port their books to book apps. One of the publishers we are working with is Flowerpot Press – they have been really great partners, and we’re developing a long term relationship with them. They have a lot of great kids books, and didn’t have any book apps when we met them, so we proposed that we start working with them to port some of their content. As Christmas was approaching we discussed with them what Christmas books they have, and we made book apps for not only Twas The Night Before Christmas, but also, a couple of their Christmas lift the flap books – Oh! Christmas Tree, and Santa’s Toy Bag. They all came out really well in my view.
What is your favorite aspect of your app?
I really like the illustration and animation in Twas The Night Before Christmas. The illustration was one of the reasons we wanted to port that book first – I thought it was really well done. An intern, Elise Grafe, did the animations and I think she did a really nice job on them as well. The book came together great.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Twas The Night Before Christmas works with our Blackfish Children’s Books app. Please have a look at Blackfish – it has a bunch of free titles for you to download, including another Christmas app (ChristmasClick N Count).