App ratings

Why no price?

Why don’t you post ratings on the apps?

Our focus is to present you with only the best apps.  They are carefully reviewed and videoed so that you can see and hear what we did. We screen for inappropriate ads, in app purchase ability, etc to insure the best experience for parents and kids.

Why aren’t the apps categorized by price?

Prices are in the iTunes link.  When you are deciding whether to buy, just click the black link to view it in the store. It is our belief that price is relative to the value the parent places on it.

How do you decide which apps to review?

Some of our reviewed apps are chosen by us.  Some apps are send with a request to review them.  We also welcome requests from parents and caregivers.  We only publish reviews on apps deemed appropriate and constructive for our kids.

Can app developers pay for reviews?

App developers have an option to expedite a review. The fees are for media production time.  This helps to keep the site online. We don’t accept advertising to date. Flashing ads distract from the reviews. Good apps take a great deal of time and maintenance. They typically improve with new versions.


Why do you put videos in your reviews?

One of our goals is giving the clearest communication possible.  We feel that the ability to see and hear the app in action helps people make a better decision.  It can also be a valuable tool for a parent to check their kids’ reactions to the videos.