Dr. Panda Trucks


DrPandaTrucksThe amazing team at Dr. Panda Ltd has done it again! Dr. Panda Trucks is an app that will spark creativity and imagination providing countless hours of fun! This app is a  very nice exercise for eye-hand coordination as well.

Dive right in and drive and control up to 7 giant vehicles! Begin the fun in the blue dump truck to deliver everything to the job site, take your materials in for a paint job and then drop them on the building site. You can rearrange things with the crane, take some time to run the street sweeper, blow up your buildings, and so much more.

This is a review of the fully paid version. Any purchases are protected with parental gates and there is no 3rd party advertising. Check out the videos below to see some of the vehicles in action. Please excuse my driving skills while I hope the DMV never sees these 😉 For more Dr. Panda app previews, just use the search feature in the upper right corner and type in ‘Dr. Panda’.

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Meet The Developers!

devpandaWhat was the initial inspiration for your app?
At Dr. Panda, we always consider popular kids’ interests and hobbies when designing a game, and are aware of the many little truck and vehicle enthusiasts among our fans. We wanted to create an experience that delivers the gameplay experience of driving around different trucks, building cool things, and finding awesome ways to destroy them. From this initial inspiration, we tested multiple ideas, but our main focus was always on delivering the most fun truck experience a child could wish for.

What is your favorite aspect of your app?
My favorite aspect is the freedom and the many different trucks the player can choose from. They can take any truck that they want, and choose how to play with it. They can build a beautiful house, drive around, or explore the construction site, all these options are open to the player.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Please feel free to try out all the different interactions that we added to the game. We tried to add many details to discover, giving the player the feeling they are in their own little world. Some are even hidden and will require some exploration to find. Best of luck! Lead Game Designer, Onno van Duin.

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