The Facts of Life | Kid Style | Apps For Kids


FactsofLifeThe Facts of Life is a gift to all adults who need to answer that inevitable question kids have, Where do babies come from? It is written in a family and kid friendly format that gives you options. You can tap “Tell Me More” or “Enough” and return when your kids are ready. There is a quiz with certificates at the end that kids will love.

Very much like our format that lets parents gauge the appropriate age, this app leaves it up to the adult and child as to how much they want to learn right now and when enough is enough 🙂 The videos will help you to see what a dialogue opening tool The Facts of Life is! This app is presented to us by Jillian Roberts. Be sure to scroll down and read her input!

Kids Choose Enough or Tell Me More!

A Special Place To Grow!

How is the Baby Born?

The Father Has A Job Too!

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This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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Meet The Developer!

DrWhat was the initial inspiration for  your app?

As a Child Psychologist and mother of three, I have been worried about how children access appropriate information online about sexual education. It is not safe for children to search online because of the inappropriate websites that pop up. There are many good books available, but children seem to prefer using their mobile devices to access information these days. There was no app available like this, and so I developed my own. This is my very first venture into the tech world to reach kids.

What is your favorite aspect of your app?

I have designed the app for children—to give them just enough information to satisfy their curiosity. When children ask, “Where do babies come from?” they are not usually wanting the complete “talk.” Over the years, I have kept track of the questions asked to me (by both my children and patients), and I designed this app to respond to those questions in an age-appropriate, interactive and wholesome way.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Yes, this app was developed to answer the basic question “Where do babies come from?” I plan to follow-up with additional apps that explore puberty and sexual education for adolescents. Also, I would like readers to know that this app has been translated into Chinese (simplified Chinese characters—and so available in both Mandarin and Cantonese).  Moreover, this app is available in both IPad and IPhone platforms.

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