Positive Penguins HD – Book Apps



Positive Penguins is the amazing creation of a girl named Sara! This app is to help kids to be flexible in life and understand more clearly some of the challenges they may face in life. .This helps them respond to challenges they face every day. Parents! This is a gift for you to work with your kids! There are updates to come to this app and all Parents, Teachers, Preschools, and Caregivers will clearly see the value in Positive Penguins.

Teaching kids that they have a choice in how they feel about what happens in life and not allow others to call those shots!  Empower your kids with the best of tools for life – This app is a Must Have App! Positive Penguins HD by HR INSIDE PTY LTD

How Are You Feeling?

Play A Game!

Feeling Unsure?

Click to View in iTunes!

This app is a great addition to your kid’s toolbox for life!
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Meet The Author!

MEGDAUGHTERWhat was the initial inspiration for your app?

When I was 9 years old in Year 3, we had an assignment to write a powerpoint presentation relating to Healthy Body, Healthy Mind. My mum had taught me about mindsets and negative beliefs. Mum explained to me that no one or no thing makes you feel a certain way – feelings are not good or bad just pieces of information coming from your thoughts and beliefs. Sometimes, when we feel bad it is because our beliefs and thoughts are “broken”. The only way you can change your feelings is to change the thinking behind the feelings. So I decided to write a powerpoint presentation to help kids understand their feelings come from negative or broken thoughts and came up with 4 positive penguins who all have different personalities and qualities. Each of the penguins ask you different questions relating to your negative thought to help you challenge your thinking and help you see things differently. I had learnt that Penguins are the most resilient animals in the world.

My project went well and then Mum kept using the powerpoint with my brothers and other parents and teachers asked if they could also use the powerpoint. One day we thought it would be great if we could make this an app so anyone could use it who wants to understand their feelings more and develop resilience skills or more optimistic thinking.
What is your favorite aspect of your app?
I really like once you put your feeling in, you get to choose your own penguin and dress him or her. I really like that as I can make myself a different penguin every time I use the app.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
It is really hard to work out what your negative or broken thought is – when you feel upset because some other kids didn’t play with you – you probably have a “broken” thought that you want to be liked by everyone. Most of us have these thoughts but why we call them “broken” is that they can’t always be true – there will be times when not everyone likes you and it does make you sad – but the penguins help you work out what to do.

Ideally the first few times you use the app do it with a parent or teacher to help identify the broken thought. We really want other kids to understand no one and no thing makes you feel a certain way – your thoughts and beliefs make you feel and you get to choose your feelings.

Soon we will have an update that has the top 10 “broken” thoughts and beliefs kids have – we are just asking for feedback to find out the top 10. So what is your top “broken” thought. Mine is that I would like to be liked by everyone…

Website: Positive Penguins



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